This list needs (massively) updating
QuickPlay supports a huge range of emulators. Below is a list of emulators which are found in QuickPlays Emu-Finder data files, however QuickPlay should be compatible with most emulators that support command-line arguments.
Mame (Windows and DOS Versions)
Atari 2600 Emulators
Stella A26 PCAEWin VCS VCS2600 Z26
Atari 5200
Atari 800 Win Jum52 XFormer Pokey Rainbow95 VSS XFormer2000 Xlit
Atari 7800
Commodore 64
CB64 (Windows and DOS) CCS64 (Windows and DOS) Emu64 Free64 Frodo Frodo PC Frodo SC Hoxs64 Personal C64 (Windows and DOS) Vice Win 64
VColeco Colem Adamem Cult
Bad Boy Boycott CBEBoy CBEboy2K Cingb Custom GB DBoy DreamGBC Fondle GB GameBBR GB 97 Game Lad Gameboy 98 GBE GB Emu GB Fan GBUK GnuBoy HGB No$Gmb Rew SmyGB TGB Dual VBoy VGB Visual Boy WinBoycott
GameBoy Advance
AGD Boycott Advance Dream GBA GBAEmu IGBA PC Advance VisualBoy Advance
Nintendo 64
1964 Apollo Blade Corn Daedalus Dream64 Mupen64 N64VM Nemu Nincest 64 Pagan Project 64 Reality Sunset Supra TR64 Ultra64 UltraHLE
Basic NES Dream NES Family Emulator FWNes GNES Hynes Famtasia FCEU JNES BioNES Loopy NES NE NESten Nester Nesticle RockNesX Nofrendo NesterJ NNNesterJ RockNes DOS Text NES
PC Engine
HU6280 HUDX Hu-Go! HuWin Magic Engine VPCE
Sony Playstation
Sega Genesis (MegaDrive)
Ages DGen DosGen Genecyst Generator32 Genem95 Genital Kega KGen KGen98 Megad Megasis RetroDrive SegaEMU st0rm VGen Gens Xega
Sega Master System/GameGear
BRSMS Calypso Chasms Dega FreezeSMS GGboy Massage Meka MG MGX NeoSMS Pastorama SegaG3 Win SMS
ESNES NLKE NLKSNES Snes 9X (Windows and DOS Sneese Snemul Sneqr SNESGT SNEShout THESE USNES ZSnes (Windows and DOS)
ZX Spectrum
ASCD DamSpecEm DelphiSpec Gleck No$ZX8 R80 RealSpec Spec256 SPEC SpeccyAl SpecEmu Specx Unreal Speccy Warajevo WinXZX Xtender2 YASE YASE2 z80s zx32 ZXplus Klive